Yeast Starter Kit 1000 ml
1000 ml is the most common size used to make starters. This kit includes a 1000 ml flask, 1/2lb light dried malt extract & 1oz Fermaid K (Yeast Nutrient). This starter kit is for growing liquid yeast starters. The idea is that the starter acts as a mini batch of beer where the yeast cells replicate before being pitched into your 5 gallon batch. More yeast means fermentation starts faster. The bacteria and wild yeast that got into your beer during the transfer from kettle to fermenter have less chance of creating a negative flavor impact upon your beer. Also available in a 500 ml size.
(We do not recommend the use of an electric element with these flasks. If this cannot be avoided, we recommend using a larger pot as a hot water bath on the stove.)
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