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Wyeast 4184 Sweet Mead

Wyeast 4184 Sweet Mead

  • $ 799

One of two strains for mead making. Leaves 2-3% residual sugar in most meads. Rich, fruity profile complements fruit mead fermentation. Use additional nutrients for mead making.

Flocculation: Medium
Attenuation: NA
Temperature Range: 65-75°F, 18-24°C
Alcohol Tolerance: 11% ABV

   Common Cider
   Cyser (Apple Melomel)
   Open Category Mead
   Other Fruit Melomel
   Semi-sweet Mead
   Strawberry, Cherry, Peach, etc.
   Sweet Mead


Keep refrigerated. Do not freeze.  Activator™ packages will sometimes swell slightly, or moderately during shipping or later while properly stored. This is not an indication of deterioration if the package is less than 6 months old and has been properly handled. This is result of trace amounts of nutrients, still available at the time packaging, causing small amount of culture activity and CO2 production. Some strains are more prone to this than others.

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